


(by Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets)

Place of work:
Department of Theoretical Physics,

Institute of Physics
National Academy of Sciences,
Stohna Nauky 46, UA-03028 Kyiv, Ukraine;
mob.: +38 095 441 97 08

Cathedra of Theorertical Physics,
the Faculty of Physics at
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University , Kyiv, Ukraine (1974-1979).

Professional activity:
1981 up till now a collaborator of the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Physics, Natl. Acad. Sci., Kyiv

1979-1981 an engineer researcher at the Department of Superconductivity of
The Institute of Metal Physics, Natl. Acad. Sci., Kyiv

1993 up till now Senior Research Scientist
1991-1993 Research Associate
1985-1991 Junior Research Associate
1981-1985 Senior Engineer Researcher

2001 Vice Editor of the journal
Spacetime & Substance
2001 an Advisory Board Member of
The Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
2003 Full Professor of Physics of the Institute for Basic Research
2005 an Advisory Board Member of the journal Scientific Inquiry
2005 a Consulting Fellow of The World Innovation Foundation

Ph.D. (solid state physics):
"On the Mechanism of Proton Conductivity Along a Quasi-isolated Molecular Chain of Hydrogen Bonds" (1987).

Experience, skill and achievements

At the Institute of Metal Physics I was working as an experimenter seeking for methods of preparation of superconducting chalcogenide films and studied their normal and superconductive properties.

At the Institute of Physics, for the first three years I studied different models of energy transfer in molecular complexes, such as photosynthetic membranes. At the same time I began the research on the protonic polaron. I proposed a mechanism of the proton motion based on the small (electron) polaron model for membrane proteins and some kinds of inorganic compounds. These results were included into my thesis (the advisor: Professor Petro M. Tomchuk, Head of Department).

Since 1984 I was interested in building an integral theory of bacteriorhodopsin functioning (the membrane protein macromolecule that functions as a light generator of proton current). My colleagues and I published a number of papers on this topic and our study has had an international scientific resonance.

In collaboration with biologists from Almaty (Kazakhstan) and researchers of our Institute we investigated some structural, physical, and electrophysical properties of different water specimens. In particular, it was shown that though the gases of the air in the standard (equilibrium) water account only for 0.003 % of its mass, the change of the entropy after the degassing of the water was great enough and could reach 15 %.

In collaboration with other team of experimenters headed by Prof. Galina O. Puchkovska from our Institute we studied the mesomorphic transformations and the proton subsystem dynamics in liquid crystalline carboxylic acids. Based on extensive studies performed by the team a mechanism of an associate formation was offered.

Then we investigated the protonic conductivity of the NH4IO3*2HIO3 crystal both experimentally, using different methods, and theoretically. As a result the complicated mechanism of superionic conductivity was constructed; the mechanism combined the pure polaron conductivity and the band one.

In 1990-1991 I managed the project "Inactivation of Microorganisms in Strong Magnetic Field". Our research was both experimental (St. Petersburg and Moscow) and theoretical (Kyiv). The work was not completed due to the collapse of the USSR. However, we obtained substantial data and revealed the cause of the phenomenon. In general terms a microscopic mechanism of the DNA destruction was built (unpublished).

In 1990-1994 I was employed at the Institute of Physics and at the same time I was teaching quantum mechanics (practical training) in the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Since 1996 in collaboration with a colleague, Dr. B. I. Lev, we began to investigate the general problem of cluster formation starting from the main principles of statistical mechanics.

In 1998 I worked as an assistant at Hagler Bailly, Inc. (an American consulting company), which was assisting to the National Energy Regulatory Commission under USAID project, Kyiv, Ukraine. I conducted an analysis of work of Local Electrical Companies and Generating Companies of Ukraine.

Since 1985, I have also become interested in the foundations of physics. I have strived to describe fundamental physics in pure geometric terms, that is, I wanted to show how physical concepts (particle, mass, spin, charge, etc.), rules, and laws emerge from mathematical space.

In collaboration with the experimenter of our Institute, Dr. Valery Bykov, we were able to detect a new type of quasiparticles in a condensed medium, as they were called inertons. The physical interpretation of the wave ψ-function is finally given: the particle is surrounded by its inerton cloud and it is the inertons that provide the contact quantum-mechanical interaction between the particles.

The theory of the anomalous photoelectric effect was constructed, that is, the theory of the interaction of a powerful laser beam with metals and gas atoms, in which N photons simultaneously interact with the inerton cloud of electrons (let me remind you, the quantum theory of light does not provide for the simultaneous interaction of N photons with an electron).

Besides, it has been shown that inertons are responsible for the collective dynamics of hydrogen atoms in the KIO3 HIO3 crystal dictated by a substructure of the hydrogen atoms' matter waves.

In 1998-2003 I conducted my research on the constitution of real physical space together with Professor Michel Bounias, an eminent classical mathematician and a great individual (d'Avignon University, France).

In 2001 my colleagues (experimenters from our Institute and astronomers from the Kharkiv observatory, Kharkiv, Ukraine) and I offered a project "Inerton Astronomy" - a radically new branch of astronomy, which would be realized if funds are available. Inertons are dark matter particles, so an inerton obesrvatory will provide us with the information about flow of inertons (the spectrum of dark matter particles) from the outer space, stars and the Sun. The establishment of the Inerton Observatory is extremely important because it will allow us to study the mass spectrum of the Sun and determine whether solar inerton fluxes affect climate change. But unfortunately, scientists from countries where governments support their science do not show interest in studying new phenomena and, in particular, the study of dark matter particles, inertons.

I closely worked with biologists and physicians who founded the information medicine in Ukraine in the beginning of the 1990s. First of all they are Prof. Dr. Zenovy Skrypnyuk and Mr. Vasyl Fedorivsky. They possess a method of influence on illness organs by means of a special matrix that transfers signal of spatial deformations to those organs, which corrects their anomalous or distorted state. It was demonstrated that curriers of these correcting signals are inertons.

In a number of experiments it was shown the existence of inertons: in condensed matter, biophysics, plasma physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics.

It was proved that the Casimir effect is caused by a short-range interaction of inertons and this effect is also present in biological system, in particular, it is responsible for the phenomenon known as biogravity.

The submicroscopic theory of gravity is also based on inertons, but not on the kinetic interaction between particles; in the theory of gravity, inertons form standing waves that are proportional to the inverse of the distance 1/r, and it is they that induce the deformation landscape around the gravitating body under study. The theory of real space denies the existence of the so-called Big Bang in the past.

For the first time it was done the definition of mass and electric charge, which directly follows from the theory of real physical space constructed as a tessellattice of primary topological balls (as was suggested by Michel Bounias).

The concept of charge is defined and Maxwell's equations are constructed in which the electric charge e periodically passes to the state of a magnetic monopole g. The spatial period of such transformations is the particle's de Broglie wavelength λ.

It was given the definition of the nuclear forces, which are also resting on inertons as carriers of fragments of mass.

The developed submicroscopic deterministic concept made it possible to construct an actual theory of particle physics developed in real space, which is significantly different from such abstract disciples as quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and weak theory. There are no any fractional charges in quarks, only +e and -e. It was demostrated that QCD has at least 16 free parmeters, and it is too much; moreover, the situtaion even worse -- none of these artificial parameters are represented in any elementary particle...
In particular, the approach developed allowed me to calculate the radius of proton and the radius of deuteron. The submicroscopic approach allowed me to derive the neutrino mass, which exactly corresponds to the experimental measurements.

Emilie Comay showed that the theory of weak interactions is internally contradictory. Then I showed that the W and Z bosons are not independent particles, but are a combination of two quarks or a quark and a quark monopole, that is, they are heavy mesons. Similarly, the Higgs boson H is not an independent particle, it is also a heavy meson composed of two quarks.

The appearance of subhydrogen, subhelium, and other formations that have the same structure as a hydrogen atom, a helium atom, etc., but whose size is 3 orders of magnitude smaller, has been experimentally discovered and theoretically explained. A recently developed theory illustrates that a subhydrogen becomes the most important element in all processes of nuclear fusion.

Inerton physics was also implemented in a few technologies. Obviously the most impressive application is the production of biodiesel in a flow mode. The appropriate technology, in which an inerton field plays the role of a field catalyst, was installed in Singapore, and a local company named "Alpha Biofuels Pte. Ltd." has been producing biodiesel at an industrial scale since 2011.

Since 2006, I have been closely collaborating with the group of perhaps the best applied physicist in Ukraine, Professor Yuri Zabulonov.

It was found that an inerton field allows one to mix a liquid fuel (diesel, black diesel, kerosine, oil waste, etc.) with technical water at a ratio of 50% : 50%, which creates a fuel emulsion named "hydro-oil" that has the same energy content as a pure diesel.

The inerton field has the potential to be used in inerton wireless communication, which can become a competitor to modern wi-fi and mobile phones developed on the basis of the concept of a high-frequency electromagnetic field.

Besides, I have been involving with the colleagues in some other R&D projects (see
Applied Interests). The R&D work allowed me to visit Prof. M. Fleischmann (photo: at M. Fleischmann)

I was a co-editor and editor of a series of books published by Nova Science Pulishers, Inc., New York:

Frontiers in Quantum Physics Research (2004).

New Research in Quantum Physics (2004).

Trends in Quantum Physics (2004).

Developments in quantum physics (2004).

New Topics in Quantum Physics Research (2006).

Old Problems and New Horizons in World Physics (2019).

The Origin of Gravity From First Principles (2021) .

Electromagnetic Theory: New Research and Developments (in press).

In June 2017 my book dedicated to fundamental problems of physics was published by Apple Academic Press Structure of Space and the Submicroscopic Deterministic Concept of Physics.

I took a part in several international conferences in Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Muscovy, Austria, the UK and Greece. There were also other invitations and presentations.

There are over 110 published works.

Gerald McNulty, an Irish engineer who is a specialist in energy audit prepaered VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: benefit of an inerton field in the chemical and pharmacological industry

Some of the Publications

  V. Chernyak, V. Nevstruev, Y. Zabulonov, V. Krasnoholovets, Two Important Approaches in the Field of Emergency Medicine. SciBase Critical Care and Emergency Medicine. 2, No. 3, Article 1013 (2024).

  E. Revunova, V. Burtniak, Yu. Zabulonov, M. Stokolos, V. Krasnoholovets, Method for converting the output of measuring system into the output of system with given basis. Systems, Decision and Control in Energy IV. Volume I. Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. In: Artur Zaporozhets (ed.), Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol. 454. Springer, Cham. Springer (2023), pp. 165177.

  T. Melnychenko, V. Kadoshnikov, Yu. Lytvynenko, I. Pysanska, Yu. Zabulonov, S. Marysyk, V. Krasnoholovets, Nanodispersion of ferrocianides for purification of man-made contaminated water containing caesium, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 261, 107135 (2023).

  D. Charnyi, Yu. Onanko, I. Snikhovska, S. Shevchuk, S. Marysyk, O. Puhach, Yu. Zabulonov, V. Krasnoholovets, Assessment of the initial stage of water filtration through polystyrene foam and zeolite, Trends in Physical Chemistry 21, 55-60 (2021).

  V. Krasnoholovets, Naturally scientific approach to the treatment of patients, Academic Journal of Life Sciences 6, No.7 7, 67-75 (2020).
Translated into Ukrainian: (pdf file, 1.2 Ìb)

  V. Krasnoholovets and V. Zabairachnyi, Technologies to assist in the energy transition to the next century, MRS Energy & Sustainability 7, E21, pp.: 1-10 (2020).
The paper can be downloaded following the links:
Translated into Ukrainian: (pdf file, 1 Ìb)

  V. Bereka, I. Boshko, I. Kondratenko, Yu. Zabulonov, D. Charny, Yu. Onanko, A. Marynin and V.Krasnoholovets, Efficiency of plasma treatment of water contaminated with persistent organic molecules, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 15, No. 3, 1-8 (2020) (pp. 92-100, Paper 2000028).

  A. Kanda, M. Prunescu and V. Krasnoholovets, Obvious Inconsistencies classical and quantum theories, in Horizons in World Physics, Vol. 295, Editor: Albert Reimer. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2018), Ch. 1, pp.1-41.
(pdf file, 550 kb)

  V. Burtniak, Yu. Zabulonov, M. Stokolos, L. Bulavin, V. Krasnoholovets, Application of a territorial remote radiation monitoring system at the Chornobyl nuclear accident site, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 12, No. 4, 046007 [12 pages] (2018).
(pdf file, 4.5 Mb)

  V. Burtniak, Yu. Zabulonov, M. Stokolos, L. Bulavin, V. Krasnoholovets, The remote radiation monitoring of highly radioactive sports in the Chornobyl exclusion zone, Journal of Intellectual Robotic Systems 90, No. 3–4, pp 437–442 (2018).
(pdf file, 1.5 Mb)

  V. Kadoshnikov, Yu. Lytvynenko, Yu. Zabulonov and V. Krasnoholovets, Nanocomposites for decontamination of multicomponent technogenic dilutions, Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications 3, No. 2, 279–292 (2016)

  Yu. Zabulonov, V. Burtniak and V. Krasnoholovets, A method of rapid testing of radioactivity of different materials, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 9, No. 9, 370-375 (2016).

  V. Christianto, Yu. Umniyati and V. Krasnoholovets, On plausible role of classical electromagnetic theory and submicroscopic physics to understand and enhance low energy nuclear reaction: A preliminary review, Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (Experiments and Methods in Cold Fusion) 22, 27-34 (2017).

V. Krasnoholovets, A theoretical study of the refractive index of KDP crystal doped with TiO2 nanoparticles, in Sustainable Nanosystems Development, Properties, and Applications, Eds.: M. V. Putz & M. Mirica, IGI Global (2016); Ch. 13, pp. 541-551.
(pdf file, 1.1 Mb)

V. Krasnoholovets and I. Gandzha, A modeling of proton polaron spectra in crystals with dense network of hydrogen bonds, International Journal of Chemical Modeling 7, No. 1, 9-16 (2015).
(pdf file, 1.1 Mb)

  G. Dovbeshko, N. Gridina, V. Krasnoholovets, Holographic interferometry as a reliable tool visualizing an influence of low-energy fields on biological systems, Research & Reviews in BioSciences, 7, no. 10, pp. 383-393 (2013).
(pdf file, 788 kb)

  Proton Transfer and Coherent Phenomena in Molecular Structures with Hydrogen Bonds (invited review article), Advances in Chemical Physics, 125, ch. 5, pp. 351-548 (2003).
(pdf file, 1.6 Mb)

  Krasnoholovets, V., and Lev, B. Systems of particles with interaction and the cluster formation in condensed matter, Condensed Matter Physics, 6, no. 1, 67-83 (2003)

Krasnoholovets, V., Khakimov, I., Puchkovskaya, G., and Gabrousyonoks, E.: Mechanism of Q(C≡N) Band Broadening in Condensed State of Alkoxycyanobiphenyles. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 348, 101-109 (2000).

Babkov, L.M., Gabrusyonoks, E., Krasnoholovets, V., Puchkovskaya, G.A., Khakimov, I. N: Raman Spectra and Molecular Dynamics of Alkoxycyanobiphenyls. The SPIE volume "Raman Scattering," V. S. Gorelik and Anna D. Kudryavtseva, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, 4069, 109-113 (2000).

Babkov, L.M., Gabrusyonoks, E., Krasnoholovets, V., Puchkovskaya, G.A., Khakimov, I.: Vibratinal Spectra and Molecular Dynamics of Alkoxycyanobiphenyls, Journal of Molecular Structure 482-483, 475-480 (1998).

Barabash A., Gavrilko, T.A., Krasnoholovets, V.V., and Puchkovskaya, G.A.: Polariton Effect on IR Spectroscopic Properties of Crystals with Symmetric OHO Hydrogen Bonds, Journal of Molecular Structure 436-437, 301-307 (1997).

Tomchuk, P.M., and Krasnoholovets, V.V.: Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Polarization in the Hydrogen-bonded Chain, Journal of Molecular Structure 416, 161-165 (1997). (pdf file, 110 kb)

Krasnoholovets, V., On the Anomalous Temperature Behavior of the Permittivity of KIO3*HIO3 Crystal, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 8, 3537-3544 (1996).

Krasnoholovets, V.V., Taranenko, V.B., Tomchuk, P.M., and Protsenko, M.A.: Molecular Mechanism of Light-induced Proton Transfer in Bacteriorhodopsin, Journal of Molecular Structure 355, 219-228 (1995).

Krasnoholovets, V.V., Puchkovskaya, G.A., and Yakubov, A.A.: Thermoinduced Rearrengement of the Hydrogen-bonded Systems in Liquid Crystalline Carboxylic Acids, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 265, 143-150 (1995).

Krasnoholovets, V.V., and Lev, B.I.: On Mechanism of H-associate Polymerization in Alkyl- and Alkoxybenzene Acids, Ukrainsky Fizychny Zhurnal 38, 296-300 (1994) (in Ukrainian).

Krasnoholovets, V.V.: Small Polaron with Regard for the Fluctuation Vibration of a Resonance Integral, Ukrainsky Fizychny Zhurnal 37, 740-744 (1993) (in Ukrainian).

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